
Farm crisis, our press review
31 January 2024
Press review
Viewed 3170 times
Discover our press review of articles and studies published by engineers and professors from the Agros community to better understand the agricultural crisis:
- True food sovereignty for France - Harold Lever, Professor, Environmental Economics, AgroParisTech - Université Paris-Saclay - The Conversation
- Are farmers' unions all-powerful? - Debate with Jean-Christophe Bureau, Professor of Economics at AgroParisTech - La Croix
- Farmers' anger: at what point do we import products that don't meet French standards? - Interview withJean-Christophe Bureau, Professor of Economics at AgroParisTech, & André Heitz, agricultural engineer Montpellier - Atlantico
- "From the farm to the table": the reasons for failure, and how to bounce back - Publication by Pierre-Marie Aubert, Director, IDDRI's Agricultural and Food Policies program & teacher at AgroParisTech
- Farmers' anger: how to renew the thread of dialogue? - Post by Pierre-Marie Aubert, Director, IDDRI's Agricultural and Food Policies program & AgroParisTech lecturer
- Eclipse then resurgence of food sovereignty, a political economy approach - Study by Marine Raffray, AgroParisTech engineer & Thierry Pouch, Académie d'Agriculture
- "Agricultural crisis: let's stop "at the same time" and "whatever it takes" - Interview with Philippe Stoop, agricultural engineer, Montpellier - European Scientist
- Farmers' anger: an agricultural specialist describes the mobilization as "unprecedented" - interview with François Purseigle, Professor of Sociology at ENSAT - France Info
- "Let'snot exasperate our farmers, because tomorrow will be too late" - Opinion column by Georges Fandos, agricultural engineer, Toulouse - Le Monde
- "The Bleu Blancoeur model is one way out of the agricultural crisis" - Interview with Pierre Weill, agricultural engineer Nancy - L'Express
Further reading:
- The agricultural crisis in eight questions - (Etat)