
Grignon: four candidates in the running to buy the estate - Les Echos, 6/9
In this, the sixth article in Les Echos' saga of the Domaine de Grignon, we take a look back at the sale process.
"We don't want 'dormitory housing'," insisted Bertrand Hauet, first vice-president of the communauté de communes and mayor of Saint-Germain-la-Grange, at the time.
"The project we presented at the time, which has since evolved, was intended to save the site and at the same time be a source of innovation," says Mathieu Baron, general delegate of the Grignon 2000 association.
Today, there's no longer any question of buying the estate. We want the French state to remain the owner and grant a long lease to the future entity in charge of the estate, which we hope to create. We'll be releasing more details on this subject in the coming weeks.